I spoke too soon above about the lack of drama.
After boarding the plane to Brisbane, the pilot announced there was a technical issue that they just needed to report and get a clearance for...
This was followed of course by just needing to get an inspection...
Just need to get a ruling from ops...
Just need everyone to get off this plane cause its busted...
Apparently theres a spare plane here, and it seems possible I might make my connection in Brisbane, but no guarantees!
If I dont make it, it probably means a full day delay, for which I can expect substantial Qantas compensation.
The broken plane. The pilot was quite funny, 'we hope to use the spare plane which I am sure is much better than this one'
To his credit, he was very good at providing info and updates on connections, likely delay, likely plane change etc. As soon as I saw the engineer get off he was back on the intercom to the passengers providing info.
This is the line of people demanding to know if their connection would be met. Each person got the same story, theres only 3 possible connections on this flight including mine, and the guys behind the desk made an announcement about all 3.
Still each of these people remained in the line to hear it again in person and express their extreme anger personally and swear to never fly Qantas again.
However just looking out the window, what other choice do they have really? Theres no planes parked here now at all except Qantas, so I hope they enjoy the slow boat to China or staying home forever.